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Component Classes

Applying Classes to Adaptive Components

The purpose of this page is to provide a succinct list of useful classes that can be applied to components in adaptive designer. To apply a class.

To apply a class simply:

  1. Select the component in adaptive designer
  2. Select the styling tab on the right of the screen
  3. Enter your class name in the Class field


Useful Classes

**Class****Component type****Description**
rp-text-rightMost components that include text - Single Line fields, Multi line, Static Text etc.Aligns the text within these components to the right.
rp-text-centerMost components that include text - Single Line fields, Multi line, Static Text etc.Centers the text within these components
rp-margin-topMost componentsAdds margin to the top of the component
rp-margin-bottomMost componentsAdds margin to the bottom of the component
rp-margin-leftMost componentsAdds margin to the left of the component
rp-margin-rightMost componentsAdds margin to the right of the component
rp-input-heading-h1-6Single Line of Text FieldsMakes the text look like and input field.